Trials In Tainted Space Willpower

Full nameMirrin Arkosduttir
SpeciesHuman/Gryvain, heavily spliced
FamilyArkos Arkossonne (Father)
Dr. Onsula Mairis (Mother)
Significant OtherCaptain Steele
ChildrenJenta and/or Torri (Daughter(s))

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  • Increasing Willpower. Discussion in 'Trials in Tainted Space' started by Amy5, May 21, 2016. Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space Toggle Width Style.
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  • 5Interactions
    • 5.3Pregnancy


Famous model and fitness trainer in Ten Ton Gym on New Texas.

Appearance on New Texas

As you’re standing behind her while she faces the mirror, you give her flexing body a look over.

Mirrin 'appears to be a heavily modded half-gryvain, half-equine morph. / (is a self-described qilin).' *

Like a lot of the residents of New Texas, she’s a very large individual at around 8’ in height by your guess, her horns adding a bit more on top of that. She towers over or matches those in the gym, including most of the larger bulls. (You feel just a little bit small and insignificant standing next to her...) **

The 'curious hybrid / (qilin)” * has clay-red skin. Some darker red scales cover parts of her body - notably thighs, arms, clawed hands and shoulders - like most gryvain, although Mirrin appears to have less scales than the norm. Other places - elbows, back of her calves - have tufts of silver and jade fur, much like a horse’s mane. The silver-and-jade hair on her head is uniformly straight and about 2’ long, bound in a tight ponytail with 3’ of binding instead of a hairband. Her shorter silver horse-tail bobs about, tilted at an angle above her shorts and is bound in the same way as her hair.

Trials in tainted space willpower

A set of two ornate, fearsome, jade-green draconic horns extend from the top of her forehead. Complex, erratic swirls and patterns adorn them. They curve back over her head, the points then curving upwards towards the ceiling. You’d say they were at least a foot long. Her ears appear to do the same: long, lithe things, almost elven in shape with a slight upward bend towards the tip. They’re also a foot long by your reckoning.

She has a surprisingly feminine face: a straight, pointed nose and lack of makeup add a hint of masculinity. Her eyes are draconic but are red in color instead of the typical yellow you normally see amongst gryvain. (You know that her mouth hides a dextrous, foot long tongue: a thought that tickles the hot, sordid memories you have of her.) ***

She is exceptionally powerful in her build: A rock-hard mass of sculpted, flexing muscle. Her shoulders, abs and biceps have particularly detailed muscle mass. She stands on two similarly built equine legs with strange hooves. Said hooves are slightly splayed and are jade green in color, patterned much like her horns. (You’ve heard her true voice: somehow, she’s got a second set of vocal chords, powerful enough to emulate a mythical dragons roar.) ****

Her shapely chest heaves and expands with every stretch she makes, all tightly bound inside a black sports top. She looks like an E-cup, although her overall size makes her chest seem more reasonably proportioned. Looking further down, your eyes are drawn to the impressive bulge between her legs. Black straps peek out over the rim of the strained pair of skintight black shorts that hold it all in, implying a particularly restrictive jockstrap. You find yourself biting your [pc.lipChaste]. (Underneath it all, you envision her retracted, sheathed twin horsecocks that threaten to burst out at any second. She also has a Terran pussy, one that’s quite sensitive and criminally underused.

'Occasionally, she turns her head to your direction. A wink here, a licking of the lips there, she even slows down a squat so you get a proper view of her ultra-toned ass.) *** / She appears to be focused on her routine and doesn’t seem to notice you looking her over... or just won’t say anything about it.'

* Replaces the previous text after having talked about her race.
** Text appears when smaller then 2.032m / 6' 8' / 80 inches.
*** Text appears after having sex with her once / Replaces the previous text after having sex with her once.
**** Text appears when having trained with her 4 times.

Appearance on Tavros

Mirrin is a self described qilin, which to your knowledge is mythological creature that is part horse and part dragon. Originally, she was born as a half-human, half-gryvain who went through thorough gene splicing and modification to get her ideal self-image.

Born on Earth, there’s always been something odd about her accent and verbal mannerisms. They seem to indicate that she grew up in some part of Scandinavia if your codex is anything to go by. While she’s a bit of a bilingual, your codex doesn’t cover her own linguistic foibles, often leading to her spouting slightly odd turns of phrase.

Mirrin is a large creature, towering above most: eight feet in height and with the frame of a tank. She is a powerfully built wall of muscle, pretty much every part of her having detailed and cultivated flesh that has been honed over decades. Despite this, her shape is distinctly feminine, and her muscle mass accentuates her lady lumps and bumps in all the best places. It still doesn’t stop certain aspects, such as her notable abs, from adding a masculine twist on top of her loud voice and endowments.

As a half-gryvain, her toned, clay-red human skin is dotted with dark, rich-red scales. They form in clusters at sensitive points: neck, wrists and joints for the most part.

Trials In Tainted Space Willpower

Like most gryvain and gryvain hybrids, a crown of horns rests on her head, although hers extend from the top of her forehead in angular ‘S-curve’ shapes. The horns are a rich jade-green in color, a multitude of spirals and designs giving them a crafted or chiseled look. You happen to know they’re naturally grown, at great physical and monetary expense to the owner.

Unlike most gryvain and gryvain hybrids, she has no wings or any discernible markings that denote former wings. One of the many foibles in her idea of self-image.

Looking down, her hefty horse-hooves follow a similar pattern and color design to her horns, slightly splayed to accommodate her thick, rippling thighs and overall frame.

Her silvered hair is long, thick, and straight, most usually kept in a tightly wrapped ponytail while a hint of a mane follows from the base of her skull to the start of her neck. Her actual pony’s tail follows the same arrangement, although its strands are more coarse. Tight leather binding holds both tails into their shapes and when she undoes them, the silver cascades behind her and flows freely. If your mind ran wild, she’d give the impression of some kind of Herculean deity when the wind blows through the strands…

In terms of outfit, you’ve seen her in all manner of sponsored gear and getups, but right now, she’s wearing a grey tank tap with ‘Galaxy’s Greatest Dadmom’ that fits loosely over her chest and a tight looking pair of grey yoga pants. The straps of her telltale jockstrap peak out over the rim, still trying its best at holding back the contents within. Speaking of…

You can’t help but have your eyes drawn to her more intimate features.

Her prominent E-cup chest is nestled into her loose tank top and barely seems to fit even with all that loose material. {MirrinPregnantOrGaveBirth: You’re surprised she’s managed to adapt to the additional bust from her pregnancy, even if her method leaves even less to the imagination than before.}

Every so often, hints of her long, fleshy tongue slide and flick out from between her teeth. When it’s fully out, it almost matches the length of her forearm and is supremely dexterous.

Mirrins hips are curvy and toned, as much as she is of course. Those two cornerstones of her powerful body lead to a squat-toned ass that perks out with muscle. As well-shaped as it is, there’s still a good bit of tasty jiggle whenever she walks.

Her jockstrap fights constantly to contain the beasts within: two thick horse-cocks, powered by coconut-sized nuts.

The two shafts stand at 16’’ by 4’’ and 12’’ by 3’’ respectively, flaring proudly when erect and ready to bulldoze even the most well trained orifice.

Nestled away underneath that all is her kegel-powered pussy, something she saves for more ‘special’ moments. A tailhole, as trained and as practiced as everything else about her, hides away and don’t you feel special knowing that it’s for your eyes only...

History/Personality/Information of Note

Mirrin is a Human/Gryvain hybrid that heavily modded herself to resemble Chinese Qilin of legend.

She is strong and assertive, however does feel lonely on New Texas.


Upon first meeting Mirrin in Ten Ton Gym on New Texas, she will offer to train you for free. After training with her, talk options become available; more unlocking as you train additional times. Training with Mirrin increases tone by 2, decreases thickness by two, and gives a slow stat gain to physique and willpower.


Steele can talk to Mirrin about a variety of subjects.

After training with her a few times, you will need to wait a day and she will reappear in the Gym and the Treatment option becomes available.

After a few more days she will ask you to go with her to her apartment. Afterward you can talk about her Confidence which unlocks her sex scenes.

After Mirrin moves to Tavros, New conversations unlock:

  • Apartment - Ask about the new digs! A good bit of effort went into it, it seems.
  • Business - Ask her about how the whole personal trainer thing is going.
  • Baby/Babies - How {is/are} the kid{s}?? You must knooooow.
  • Modding - She’s a big girl… you want her bigger. Ask her if she’d be willing to ‘upgrade’ her body.
    • One time scene. After 4 days Mirrin’s cocks each Gain 6 inches and knots
  • Us - Well ya know… ya gotta talk about feelings and stuff.
    • Can lead to sex.


After being invited to her apartment and talking to her about her Confidence a few scenes become available.

  • BodWorship - Oil her down with that orange stuff; watch her blow!
  • DeepDP - Embrace the dragon's power.
    • Requires a vagina.
  • Train..? - Spar to see who cums out on top.
    • Requires a penis shorter than 18' or Requires a vagina.
    • Lose: Eat her out.
    • Win: Get oral.
  • Humiliation - Try something a bit different and a bit rougher.

After Mirrin moves to Tavros, her sex scenes are replaced with:

  • GoodOlAnal - Get yo booty pounded.
  • Rushed DP - Classic double creaming, sprinkled with cuddles. Easy takeout for the hungry hedonist.
    • Requires a vagina
  • OtherGoodOlAnal - You know what? How about you get the action this time… buy a ticket to Ass Mountain and ride it all day.
    • Requires a penis that fits Mirrin's ass.
  • KegelRide - She’s a muscle queen, even the sexy, hidden muscles. Coax her into kegel-fucking your tool with her pussy while getting buried in tits and milk.
    • Requires a penis that fits Mirrin's vagina or an Hardlight Upgrade Module
  • Anal DP? - Two cocks… one hole. Even if you’re brave enough, that’s a lot of EasyFit. You remember that EasyFit becomes a little permanent, too…
    • 4 Anal Minimum looseness and 300 total anal capacity.



Mirrin’s hitting that age: that age where she wants kids.Unfortunately, on New Texas males think that if they swing their genitals in her face that she'll spread her legs and females are almost constantly pregnant and difficult to source. Not to mention that they generally don't care about her as something more than eye candy. Fortunately, you’re around!


In order to be selected as Mirrin's mate and breeding partner you must have: Sexed Mirrin at least 6 times, not be a taur, hyper or already pregnant in any capacity, not been under the effects of Sterilex, a cock, a vagina or both

If the player meets all these requirements, then Mirrin asks the player if they first have any SSTD's or infertility Perks. The player cannot lie to Mirrin and if they are infected, they must wait until after the disease passes or they cure themselves.

If they are disease free she will tell you that she is getting up there in age and really wants to have a baby.

Twenty-Four hours after that conversation, the Pregnancy option will be added to Mirrin's talk menu. Selecting it will lead to a conversation where Mirrin confides in the player of her potential infertility and that she wants to personally name and take care of your offspring rather than just dumping them in the Steele Tech Nursery. If the player refuses her conditions, the the AboutPreg option will replace Pregnancy. Selecting it or agreeing to the intitial terms and conditions will lead to Mirrin disappearing for about 72 hours.

After the 72 hours have elapsed Mirrin can be encountered again at the Ten Ton Gym. If the player approaches her, they can go with her back to her house and 'Make the babies'. At her house, she reveals that she had disappeared to make preparations for this special moment by shoving a vibrating Butt plug up her arse for 33 hours to get her really frisky. There the player will have the option to Get Pumped if they have a vagina, Pump Her if they have a penis, or PumpEachOther if they have both.

Seven to Thirteen days later, Mirrin will send an e-mail informing you that her infertility won and that the two of you need to see a doctor to fix it, regardless of how fertile or virile the PC is or thinks they are. Upon, visiting the doctor he will cure all your SSTD's and inform the two of you that the impregnation failed. But, you can easily be fixed by taking a dose of Priapin and Breeder's Bliss at the same time, which he happens to have on hand and casually provides you. The player and Mirrin will get to try again with the same options as the first time, except, Get Pumped is replaced by Live Preg in which Mirrin will live stream herself impregnating the player or impregnating each other. The next day you wake up and have a romantic outing with your favorite Qilin-morph and you and/or Mirrin will become pregnant regardless of Fertility/Virility.


Trials In Tainted Space Willpower

Within a week of the second breeding attempt, Mirrin will leave New Texas forever to live on Tavros as a permanent resident and will send an e-mail informing you as such.

If the player is pregnant, their pregnancy will last 175 days or 25 in game weeks. During which: Minimum Lust increases to 10, Lust increases by 5 whenever the player eats a food item, cup size increases, Thickness increases, Tone decreases, the player experience random lust gains and sudden decreases in energy to 0. The player cannot give birth in a dungeon during a quest or mission. When all the time has elapsed, the player will be teleported to Tavros and give birth to Torri.

If Mirrin is pregnant, her pregnancy will last 126 days or 18 in game weeks. During her pregnancy she will repeatedly send updates in the form of e-mails. Additionally, since Mirrin is a celebrity, Paparazzi, Photographers, and interviewers will go out of their way to capitalize on this event and during which the player will receive up to 35,000 Credits in royalties. Halfway through the pregnancy, there is a one off encounter with Mirrin doing a photo shoot with her utterly gravid abdomen. The player can join on literally any day except the day she gives birth. On the day she gives birth, assuming that the player isn't in a dungeon, they will be teleported to Mirrin to witness her birth. When Mirrin gives birth, Jenta will come out as an egg that will hatch two weeks later.


As previously stated Mirrin will move to the Residential Deck. There are a set of new interactions with Mirrin, including Appearance, Talk, Sex, Nursing, Relaxing Time, and Training.

  • Train - Put your body through its paces
    • Training increases Tone by 5 and reduces thickness by 2, increases Physique and Reflexes by 2, increases Willpower by 1 up to 80% of max. 2 hours in game time passes. PC gains ‘Very Sore’ and ‘Sweaty'Status Effects and loses all Energy.
  • Relaxing Time - That sounds good. Nothing crazy, just snacks, hugs and movies…
    • Three hours of messing around watching movies and TV shows.
  • Nursing - Jeez, those tits... if they weren’t big and imposing already, now they’re milky as heck! Maybe you could have a nice nibble on a nipple.
    • Only unlocks/appears if Mirrin is pregnant or gave birth.
    • Raises PC lust by 20. 24 hour ingame cooldown.
      • Can lead to sex.

The player can visit their Qilin Daughter(s) every day between the hours of 09:00 - 18:00 every day. Mirrin will appear at set times during the day, from 15:00 - 18:00 every day. Once every eight days, Mirrin’s dad will also appear at the same time range. You can Play With them, Sit Back and watch them, or if Mirrin’s dad is there, talk to your father in law.


  • Mirrin was originally going to be named Mjerin.
  • Mirrin is the first character in the game with a clothed and naked variant of her bust by the same artist, whose bust isn't an edit of the same basic bust.
  • When watching TV with Mirrin, one of the movies you can watch is about a Rahn named Rahney Bloboa and her journey to become a boxer. This is a parody of Rocky Balboa form the movie Rocky.
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